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JaxReady - Recovery For Businesses

Recovery For Businesses


Recovery For Businesses

As a business owner, what would you do if your business had two feet of water in it? What if all the roads to get to your building were blocked? What if you were out of power for several days or weeks? How will you resume business activities if your business suffered as a result of a disaster?

Critical to restoring Jacksonville’s economy is the business community. Every business, whether you have a staff of 500 or one, should have a Business Continuity Plan to recover after a disaster. Business Continuity Plans identify how you will resume your business’s activities in the event of a disaster. Topics covered include if you can continue operating from your location, if you need to buy a generator for your business, how you will make sure your insured losses are documented properly, and how you will recover.
Business Disaster Planning
Business Disaster Planning
A disaster of any size could have an impact on your business. Taking the steps to build a business continuity plan and encourage your employees to create a family emergency plan can reduce the impact on your business.
How to Apply for Federal Disaster Assistance After a Disaster
How to Apply for Federal Disaster Assistance After a Disaster
In the event of a disaster, your business may be eligible for Small Business Administration disaster loans. These loans may be used to repair or replace real property, machinery, equipment, fixtures, inventory, and leasehold improvements.

After a disaster, there will be a separate declaration made for SBA Disaster Assistance, in addition to the FEMA Individual Assistance and Public Assistance. 
Additional Resources
Additional Resources

FloridaDisaster biz is a new website developed to provide businesses, small and large, easy access to critical information before, during and after a disaster. is a partnership between the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and the Florida Division of Emergency Management (DEM).

Click here to learn more and register your business today.

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