The LMS is a planning process required by the State of Florida to oversee a plan of mitigation initiatives to help the county be resilient and anticipate and prepare for hazard avoidance. FEMA and the State of Florida have approved the 2020 Duval County LMS. The process is overseen by the Duval County Local Mitigation Strategy Advisory Committee, also known as the Duval Prepares. Members meet quarterly to review and add new projects to the current mitigation initiatives.

View the current list of mitigation initiatives at this link. 

View the approved 2020 Local Mitigation Strategy at this link. 

Periodic updates are made to the approved plan during the document's five year life cycle. These updates may include demographic changes, revised hazard profiles, vulnerability assessments, and more. These updates will be captured below. 

 Please contact the Emergency Preparedness Division ( or 255-3110) for meeting minutes from previous meetings.