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JaxReady - Public Education

Public Education


Public Education And Outreach

Public Education

The City of Jacksonville Emergency Preparedness Division strives to educate all Duval County citizens through various methods including social media, public outreach, the JaxReady app, the JaxReady Emergency Preparedness Guide and the Employee Preparedness Guide for City of Jacksonville employees.  History has shown that communities that prepare together are more resilient in times of disaster. Jacksonville and Duval County have proven that we are at our best when we come together to help each other in times of need. 

Community Outreach

The City of Jacksonville Emergency Preparedness Division participates in various community events throughout the year to educate the public about preparedness. Staff can be requested to speak at your next association meeting, preparedness expo, or school gathering. The Emergency Operations Center is also available to tour upon group request.  Please keep in mind that the month of June is often very busy due to the start of hurricane season.  Please make your requests in advance with as much notice as possible.  

To request a presentation or outreach by the City of Jacksonville Emergency Preparedness Division, please complete the request below:

Enter the date being requested for the presentation
Enter the desired time for the presentation
Phone number to contact regarding this request
Which organization will the presentation be for?
Email address to contact regarding this request
Name of the event
Topic of discussion for the event
Address of the event
Please enter any other information as needed
Please provide a brief description of what resources will be available (PowerPoint, etc.)
Please upload any documentation or flyers for the event as necessary
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