Emergency Supply Kit for Pets
In the event of an emergency, your pet or service animal will need to have an emergency supply kit ready to go along with the rest of your family's emergency supplies. It should include:
City of Jacksonville Animal Care and Protective Services
Pet Owners
Your pets are part of your family, make sure you plan for them too.Emergency Supply Kit for Pets
In the event of an emergency, your pet or service animal will need to have an emergency supply kit ready to go along with the rest of your family's emergency supplies. It should include:
- A collar with ID tag, city license tag and rabies tag on the pet.
- Proof of current shots and health records in a waterproof container such as a freezer bag.
- Current photo of pet.
- Food and water bowls with enough food and water for three days. Remember to keep the food in a watertight container.
- Pet carrier with bedding
- Plastic bags to dispose of pet droppings and other waste
- Leash
- Medications
- Toys
- Manual can opener for canned food
- First Aid kit
- Grooming supplies
- Paper towels/wet wipes
- Flashlight and spare batteries
- Cat litter and litter box
- Bring your pets inside.
- Gather at least 3 days' worth of supplies for your pet (see above).
- Read more about sheltering in place.
- Identify a safe haven where pets are welcome in the event of an evacuation..
- To find a hotel or motel that accepts pets visit or
- If you plan to board your pet, know that most kennels require your vet's medical records.
- If you plan to evacuate to a shelter, many will be pet friendly, lean more here.
- Read more about evacuating.
- Provide your pets with plenty of fresh, clean water. Pets can become dehydrated quickly.
- Know and be on the lookout for overheating symptoms -- heavy panting, excessive drooling, increased/warm body temperature.
- NEVER leave your animals alone in a parked vehicle.
- Limit the time your pet is on hot asphalt/concrete which can injure or burn its paws.
- Keep your pets secured INSIDE your home.
- Provide a safe spot from loud noises.
- Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape.
- Be sure your pet is properly identified/microchipped and emergency contact information is updated.
City of Jacksonville Animal Care and Protective Services