Evacuation Information
Knowing what Evacuation Zone you are located in could be a matter of life or death in a disaster. It is important for residents to understand the risks associated with hurricanes and follow emergency instructions. Evacuation zones are created using a tiered approach that looks at a variety of factors that include storm surge, fresh water flooding, and isolation. This moves away from past years where the category of storm was directly correlated with the evacuation zone. The areas located in Zone A are the most vulnerable and will be the first to be evacuated, including manufactured homes/mobile homes. As storm effects intensify, the level of evacuation will be increased moving from level B to E. Zone F is different because it accounts for areas likely to flood from rainfall or other hazards of concern. Knowing your zone allows you to evacuate when the time comes. If you believe your home would be unsafe in a hurricane you should evacuate early. Duval County’s most low lying areas are along the coast and rivers. Have a plan in place that outlines where you will go if you evacuate and what Evacuation route you will take.