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JaxReady - COVID-19 FAQs



Frequently Asked Questions

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Executive Orders

What do the Mayor's Executive Orders entail?
  • Executive Proclamation 2020-001 declares a State of Emergency for Duval County. 
  • Executive Order 2020-1 limits the capacity of socially-driven businesses and locations to no more than 50 people, and prohibits alcohol sales between 12 a.m. and 8 a.m. THIS ORDER IS EXPIRED.
  • Executive Order 2020-2 closed all beach access in Duval County.  THIS ORDER IS EXPIRED.
  • Executive Order 2020-3 requires employers to allow employees work from home IF their job duties can be performed there, took effect at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, March 23. This is exactly what this order does:
    • It allows any employees who can perform their job duties from home to be able to do so. Employers must allow this.
    • If an employee is unable to work from home, they should be no less than 6 feet away from others.
    • This is a social distancing measure that is supported by medical experts as a method to reduce infection rates.
    • UPDATE: Effective Monday, May 18, Mayor Lenny Curry suspended the “Work from Home” executive order that requires employees that can work from home, to do so. It is recommended that employers continue to allow remote access for individuals who have children and/or are members of vulnerable populations.
  • Executive Order 2020-4 prohibits all hotels, motels, and other commercial lodging establishments from accepting or extending reservations for any person other than essential lodgers. THIS ORDER IS EXPIRED.
    • Essential lodgers are defined as:
      • Healthcare professionals,
      • First responders,
      • National Guard members,
      • Law enforcement,
      • State or federal government employees,
      • Airline crewmembers,
      • Patients,
      • Patients’ families,
      • Journalists,
      • Others responding to COVID-19,
      • Displaced residents or visitors,
      • Persons unable to return to their home due to COVID-19 impacts on travel,
      • Persons who must vacate their home due to exigent circumstances, such as fire or flood,
      • Persons utilizing hotels as transitional living arrangements,
      • Persons sheltering in hotels due to domestic violence,
      • Hotel employees, service providers, and contractors, or
      • Individuals who, for any reason, are temporarily unable to reside in their home.
    • The order is effective at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31. Current guests who are not considered essential lodgers may stay to the end of their reservation. RV parks and private campgrounds are covered in the Mayor’s Executive Order addressing Hotel, Motel and Public Lodging Restrictions. They fall under the same guidelines and restrictions as named in the order. 
  • Executive Order 2020-5 mandates citizens must remain home unless traveling for a critical or an essential need, as well as closes businesses deemed non-essential. The list of essential businesses is included in the executive order. THIS ORDER IS EXPIRED.
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-002 extends the declaration of emergency for thirty days, effective April 12, 2020. 
  • Emergency Executive Order 2020-6 reopens Duval County beaches, with limitations. 
  • Emergency Executive Order 2020-7 further lifts time restrictions at the beaches and lifts Emergency Executive Order 2020-4 affecting hotels and lodging. 
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-003: Extends the State of Emergency Declaration until May 31, 2020.
  • Emergency Executive Order 2020-8: limited re-opening of retail, entertainment and places of assembly, rescission of alcohol sales restrictions; beaches hours re-opened
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-005: every person over the age of six (6) who is in a public space shall wear a face mask or covering when not able to engage in social distancing.  THIS ORDER IS EXPIRED.
    • ​Every operator, employee, customer or patron of a business establishment must wear a face mask or covering at all times while at that business establishment unless he or she is able to engage in social distancing or unless wearing a face mask or covering significantly interferes with the provision or receipt of goods or services offered or received at that establishment (i.e. patrons at a restaurant, clients at a barber shop or hair salon, patients at a dentist’s office).
    • The operator and employees of a business establishment shall ensure that every individual in that establishment complies with this Proclamation.
    • Public safety, fire, law enforcement, and other life safety personnel are exempted from this requirement, as their personal protective equipment requirements will be governed by their respective agencies.
    • ADA Accommodation: When a customer of a business establishment asserts that he or she has a disability that prevents the individual from wearing a face mask or covering, the owner, manager, or employee of the business establishment may exclude the individual, even if they have a disability, as they pose a direct threat to the health and safety of employees and other customers, even if asymptomatic, and shall accommodate the disabled individual in a manner that does not fundamentally alter the operations of the business establishment nor jeopardize the health of that business’s employees and other customers, such as providing curb service or delivery or other reasonable accommodation.
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-007: Extending Declaration of Emergency and Order in Accordance with Chapter 674, Jacksonville Ordinance Code due to Continuing Emergency Conditions. This extends the mask mandate as outlined in Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-005 through September 27, 2020.
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-008: Extending Declaration of Emergency and Order in Accordance with Chapter 674, Jacksonville Ordinance Code due to Continuing Emergency Conditions. This extends the mask mandate as outlined in Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-005 through October 27, 2020.
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-009: Extending Declaration of Emergency and Order in Accordance with Chapter 674, Jacksonville Ordinance Code due to Continuing Emergency Conditions. This extends the mask mandate as outlined in Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-005 through November 26, 2020.
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-010: Extending Declaration of Emergency and Order in Accordance with Chapter 674, Jacksonville Ordinance Code due to Continuing Emergency Conditions. This extends the mask mandate as outlined in Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-005 through December 26, 2020.
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2021-001: Extending Declaration of Emergency and Order in Accordance with Chapter 674, Jacksonville Ordinance Code due to Continuing Emergency Conditions. This extends the mask mandate as outlined in Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-005 through February 24, 2021.
  • Emergency Executive Proclamation 2021-002: Extending Declaration of Emergency and Order in Accordance with Chapter 674, Jacksonville Ordinance Code due to Continuing Emergency Conditions. This extends the mask mandate as outlined in Emergency Executive Proclamation 2020-005 through March 26, 2021.


Government Operations

City Services
City offices and facilities have returned to normal operations.

Is Animal Care and Protective Services open?
Animal Care & Protective Services has resumed normal operations.
Are activities for children available at the Kids Hope Alliance?
A list of resources for Jacksonville families is available on the KHA website.

Are Municipal Code and Compliance Division magistrate hearings canceled?
All magistrate hearings for Municipal Code Enforcement resumed April 6, 2021. The Municipal Code Compliance Division offices are open to the public. For questions regarding code enforcement, contact their office at 904-255-7000.

Is the Clerk of Courts Office/Duval County Courthouse open?
The Clerk’s Office remains open to serve the public. As access to the Courthouse remains restricted for limited in-person service, the Clerk has made modifications to its operations in order to continue providing all Clerk services to its customers.  You can learn about the Clerk’s current operational plan by visiting Please check back regularly as any future changes to the Clerk’s processes will be posted here. The Clerk’s Office encourages everyone to consider taking advantage of its online services wherever possible.
The Clerk’s Beaches Branch, located at 1543 Atlantic Blvd, Neptune Beach FL 32266 is open for services by appointment only. To make an appointment, please visit our branch reservation page.

In-person jury service resumed as of October 5, 2020 at the Duval County Courthouse. If you have received a summons, please check the juror hotline at (904)255-2212 or visit the Duval Clerk's jury page the evening before your report date to determine if your jury group (found on your summons) is called to report.
The Florida Supreme Court has also issued an administrative order regarding emergency measures for the court system which can be viewed by visiting
 Comprehensive Covid-19 Emergency Measures for the Florida State Courts.

Are Tax Collector’s Offices open?
All branches are open to serve customers same-day by using the “Join the Line” service available at or by downloading the Qless app on your smart phone.  Customers may also make a future day appointment on the website.
For same-day service, look on the appointment page for any location for the “Join the Line” button after entering your mobile number. The “Join the Line” feature opens each morning at 8:30 a.m. and will remain open until the branch reaches capacity for that day. Once you are in line, you will receive text message updates about your place in line. We ask that you wait somewhere other than inside the branch until you are approaching the front of the line. You will be alerted via text when you should proceed to the branch.

Can I get a Concealed Weapons Permit?
Concealed weapons permits are available by appointment or walk-in at the Yates and Roosevelt locations.

Are Driver’s License Road Tests available?
Road tests are currently offered at the Gateway branch and will resume at the Mandarin and Neptune locations on April 12th, at the North Main location on May 3rd and at the Hogan and Westside locations on May 26th. All road tests are by appointment only and can be scheduled at

Are masks required in Tax Collector Branches?
Concurrent with the expiration of Mayor Curry’s mask mandate, masks are no longer required but are encouraged to be worn by customers entering our facilities. Masks are required to be worn during road tests while in the vehicle with the examiner.

Are services available online?
Customers who can complete their transaction online should continue to do so and only visit the office if the transaction requires it. A full list of services that can be completed by online, phone or mail are listed on the Tax Collector’s website at

Services include:  
For more updates or more information please visit; direct email to:; telephone 904-255-5700; Twitter @DuvalTaxCollect; or Facebook at Duval County Tax Collector’s Office.

City Council Meetings

For more information please visit the City Council webpage


Duval County Public Schools

Visit for updates from Duval Schools.

Colleges and Universities

FSCJ - For the latest information and guidance, please visit
UNF - For information, please visit
EWC - Visit for details.
JU - Visit for  information.

COVID-19 Testing

To find a COVID-19 testing site near you, visit our COVID-19 Testing page.
Check with your doctor or healthcare provider for more information.

Recovery Resources and Donations

The City has created a webpage with information about recovery resources available to individuals and businesses in Duval County impacted by COVID-19. Visit for more information. 

Financial Recovery Resources
You can visit to view a list of assistance programs for businesses and individuals.
To donate to Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund, you can:  
  • Visit
  • Text COVID19RELIEF to 40403
  • Send a check to P.O. Box 41428, Jacksonville, FL 32203-1428; pay to the order of United Way of Northeast Florida and note “Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund” on the check
What is Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund?
Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund was created in 2016 to help nonprofit organizations serve individuals and families in need during a community crisis. The Relief Fund for COVID-19 will provide much-needed resources to struggling families by supporting local organizations that deliver essential human services to residents disproportionately burdened by this public health crisis.

Mental Health Resources

United Way of Northeast Florida - Resources Inventory
  • Family Foundations: Counseling for families and individuals and a comprehensive set of mental health services to youth, adults, seniors, individuals, and families in need of affordable mental health and family counseling services. Please call (904) 396-4846.
  • Jewish Family & Community Services: Counseling for families, couples, and individuals as well as mental health services to children, adults, seniors and families coping with challenges. Please call (904) 448-1933.
  • Mental Health Resource Center: Psychiatric medication management and counseling for adults; short-term psychiatric stabilization services for adults and children who are experiencing a mental health crisis; comprehensive assessments, psychiatric evaluations, physical examinations, medication management and individual and group therapy. Please call (904) 695-9145 or (904) 642-9100.
  • Northwest Behavioral Health: Mental health outpatient counseling, day treatment, and case management for children and adults. Please call (904) 781-0600 or (904) 781-7797.
  • The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone in Jacksonville: Mental health services via televideo or telephone to post-9/11 veterans, their families, and active duty families.  The clinic telephone number - (904) 431-3500 - will be available during business hours, as before, and veterans, military families and outside organizations can continue to call directly to the clinic for an appointment.
Kids Hope Alliance - Resources for Kids
  • Healthy Families: Services beginning prenatally and offered until the child reaches the age of 5 if needed. Services are typically offered through home visits and include parenting support/education and connections with necessary resources. The program has a Behavioral Healthcare Navigator to assist families with being connected to mental health services where needed. These services are being offered virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact Healthy Families Jacksonville Program Manager, Marsha Davis, at (904) 608-2554.
  • Full Services Schools: Services are available to meet the emotional, behavioral and mental health needs of students K-12 in Duval County Public Schools. Services will continue during while maintaining social distancing through virtual and telephonic mental health counseling for students who are already linked with services and those that need emotional support due to COVID-19. To access services either email the school social worker directly or email
Florida Division of Emergency Management
Supportive Resource Links for Helping to Cope with the COVID-19 Outbreak


Will JEA disconnect my service if I can’t pay my bill?
Utility disconnections have resumed for non-payment. Visit for more information.


Are the beaches open?
Mayor Lenny Curry announced that effective May 6, 2020, Duval County beaches will be open with no time limits or activity restrictions.

What parking is open at the beaches?
Public parking lots, end zones and restroom are open. Paid parking is in effect in the applicable open lots. 

Coronavirus Prevention

How can I prevent the coronavirus from spreading?
To prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like Coronavirus and the common flu, the Florida Department of Health recommends the following practices:
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick;
  • Stay home when you are sick and avoid contact with persons in poor health;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then dispose of the tissue;
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing;
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty; and
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
How can I reach the health agencies?
The Duval County Department of Health can be reached at (904) 253-1000.

The Florida Department of Health has created a dedicated COVID-19 webpage at This remains the best and most up-to-date resource for information and guidance regarding COVID-19 in Florida.

For any other questions related to COVID-19 in Florida, please contact the Department's dedicated COVID-19 Call Center by calling 1-866-779-6121 or emailing The Call Center is available Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.

City Updates

The City will continue to share information via local news stations and at

Credible Vaccine Information

Before going online to search for COVID-19 vaccine information, make sure that you have identified credible sources that regularly update their information. Below are some helpful resources to ensure that you find reliable information about current vaccinations  
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