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JaxReady - Social Media Toolkit

Social Media Toolkit

Content This digital toolkit contains a library of ready-to-use social media posts, graphics, video links, and downloads to help make sure that the community is JaxReady for hurricane season. 
Children's Coloring Book
Children's Coloring Book
This PDF file is designed for optimum print quality. Please be patient while it loads and open in a seperate browser window. You will need to click the download icon in order to save it to your computer. 

Graphic that states You Can Do It: An Emergency Preparedness Guide For Kids

Download You Can Do It:
An Emergency Preparedness Guide For Kids
Hurricane Preparedness Graphics
Hurricane Preparedness Graphics
Download these JaxReady tips to share on your social media channels (right click on the image and select "save image as" to save to your computer). 

Graphic that states Build a Kit with emergency supply items  Graphic that states Make a plan with emergency preparedness information Graphic that states know your zone with evacuation zones listed  Graphic that states pet preparedness with pet supply kit items Graphic that states Stay Informed Graphic that states Protect Your Home Graphic that States Special Medical Needs Graphic that states During the Storm
After The Storm
After The Storm
Download these JaxReady tips to share on your social media channels (right click on the image and select "save image as" to save to your computer). 

Graphic that states Danger with generator safety tips Graphic that states Contractor Warning SignsGraphic that states Storm Clean Up Graphic that states Report Storm Damage
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