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JaxReady - After The Fire

After The Fire


Where To Start

A fire will change your life in many ways and knowing where to begin and who can help you is important. The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department and the City of Jacksonville Emergency Preparedness Division hope that you find this information helpful. After experiencing a residential fire, you may find yourself emotionally drained and a little scared. The first time you see your home and belongings – possibly damaged by water and smoke – the emotional toll can be significant. Once the smoke clears, the fire engines have left, and the neighbors have gone back inside, the process of recovering from this event will begin.
Step 1- Housing

If the fire was severe enough to make your residence uninhabitable, one of the first things to consider is finding temporary housing. You will find that things not damaged by the fire may still be ruined by smoke and may have been damaged by water.

Anything you want to save or reuse must be carefully and thoroughly cleaned. The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department can arrange to have the American Red Cross come to your home after the fire, and they may assist you with the following needs:

• Temporary Housing
• Food
• Medicine
• Eyeglasses
• Clothing
• Other Essential Items

☐ Insurance Agent/Company
☐ Family and Friends
☐ Employer
☐ Children’s School
☐ Post Office
☐ Delivery Services
☐ Fire & Police Departments
☐ Utility Companies

Your home may have suffered extensive smoke and water damage, even if contained in a single room. It is essential to understand the risk to your safety and health even after the fire is out. The soot and dirty water from the fire and firefighting operations could contain toxins, so be very careful if you go into your home when touching any fire-damaged items. Even if it is not that bad, you should consider staying elsewhere until the damage has been repaired and cleaned. Wear a mask and gloves if it is necessary to enter your home.

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