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2023 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday

August 23, 2023
Peak hurricane season is mid-August through mid-October. Now is the time to refresh and stock up on emergency supply kit items.

Florida consumers can purchase qualifying disaster preparedness supplies exempt from tax during the 2023 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday. Passed by the Florida Legislature and signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis, the sales tax holiday begins Saturday, August 26 and extends through Friday, September 8. 

Eligible items include: 

  • Pet leashes, collars and muzzles costing $20 or less;
  • Common household items such as paper towel, toilet paper and soap costing $30 or less;
  • Flashlights, lanterns and pet beds costing $40 or less;
  • Batteries and weather radios costing $50 or less;
  • Coolers costing $60 or less;
  • Smoke Detectors costing $70 or less;
  • Tarps costing $100 or less; and
  • Generators costing $3,000 or less.
A full list of tax-free items is available at

We encourage all residents to get JaxReady and stock their emergency supply kits to lst their entire household, including pets, at least seven days. For a complete list of items to add to your emergency supply kit, visit
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